简要描述:意大利巍卢嵋克Volumec公司生产的ROVER和EAM机械手臂是由双力臂或三力臂组成的搬运系统,允许操作员搬运各种形状和尺寸的物体,ZUI大搬运重量为100kg。 ROVER和EAM机械手臂的提升系统*是通过气动来完成,操作员通过使用操纵杆和手柄来执行,手柄上配有控制装置来操作夹持系统
The ROVER and EAM are double or triple arm handling system designed to allow the operator to handle objects of various shapes and sizes with a maximum weight of 100kg.
The lifting system is entirely pneumatic and is carried out by using a joystick and a handlebar equipped with controls to operate the gripping system,which can be pneumatic magnet ,vacuum or collet,depending on the type of part to be handled.
Able to rotate 360° and with a working radius of to 2160mm,the rover and eam manipulator are unique solutions on the market that improve production times and safety in the working environment.
On request,Volumec also produces handling system tailored to the specific needs of the customer.